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- ぴらつかPV
福岡県出身。1990年「E-ZEE BAND」のボーカリストとしてデビュー。2002年、音楽活動の拠点を沖縄へ移し、CDリリース、ライブ活動等を精力的に行う中、沖縄在住のボーカルデュオ「D-51」と出会い、本格的にプロデュース活動に入る。2005年発売のイクマあきら作曲による、大ヒットドラマ「ごくせん」の主題歌「NO MORE CRY」はオリコンチャート2位のメガヒットを記録した。現在は、自身の楽曲制作にも力を入れ、これまでに多くの楽曲が県内のCMソングやTV番組イメージソングに抜擢され、thirstyroad、伊礼俊一などのプロデュースも手がける。
Mr. Ikuma is originally from Fukuoka. In 1990, he made his major debut as a member of E-ZEE BAND. In 2002, he moved his base of musical activity to Okinawa. During his active and energetic music activity including a CD release and live performances, he met an Okinawan based vocal duo, D-51, and began his producing activities in full swing. In 2005, D-51’s song NO MORE CRY, which was composed by Mr. Ikuma and used as the theme song for TV drama series GOKUSEN, became a megahit, ranking in 2nd in the Orikon chart. Presently, Mr. Ikuma puts his efforts in composing music for his own activities and many of his songs have been used for local commercials and TV programs. Music fans anticipate more great sounds and activities from him.
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