
日出克 (ひでかつ/Hidekatsu)

  • 音楽
  • 民謡
  • 島唄ポップス
  • musix2012
  • ギター


1961年 八重山竹富島出まれ。島の祀りの唄い手である祖母・母の影響を受けて育つ。
1992年 沖縄の伝統的音楽のエッセンスと現代音楽のスケール感を融合させた独自のサウンドを確立。1993年 デビュー曲「ミルクムナリ」を発表、沖縄県内で大ヒットを記録。

Born in Taketomi Island in Yaeyama, Hidekatsu created and firmly established in 1992, his unique sounds, merging the quintessence of traditional music of Okinawa and the grandeur of modern music. He released his debut single, Mirukumunari, which saw record sales within Okinawa. Numerous eisa drum groups used this song and choreographed their original dances. Since then, a number of his songs, with the signature ‘Hidekatsu sound’ came to be used in many original, contemporary eisa drum performances. In the recent years, the traditional Okinawan eisa drum dancing has garnered much national and worldwide attention for its impressive movements, costumes and sound, and with this, Hidekatsu’s music has also reached far corners of the world. He is one of Okinawa’s leading musicians and is also broadening his talents as a producer.


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