
マーティ・フリードマン バンド (まーてぃふりーどまんばんど)

  • 音楽
  • ロック
  • musix2012


アメリカ ワシントンD.C.出身、CACOPHONY(カコフォニー)等のバンド活動を経て、1990年にMEGADETH(メガデス)に加入。 全世界で1,300万枚以上のアルバムセールスを誇るメガバンドへと導き、世界中に熱狂的なファンを持つ伝説のギタリストとなる。 MEGADETH脱退後、日本へと活動の拠点を移し、日本発信で全世界に向けての活動を行っている。

Originally from Washington, DC, Marty has been involved in the music scene for a long time, with groups like CACOPHONY and others, and he is perhaps most known as a former member of MEGADETH, which he joined in 1990. He was part of the explosive popularity of MEGADETH which sold over 13 million albums worldwide, and he became one of the legendary guitarists of all time, winning admirers among music enthusiasts. After his departure from MEGADETH, Marty relocated to Japan, where he currently bases his career, and continues to contribute greatly to the world music scene.


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