
キマグレン (きまぐれん)

  • 音楽
  • ロック
  • musix2012


同年逗子海岸に海の家ライブハウス(現「音霊 OTODAMA SEA STUDIO」)を立ち上げ、出演アーティストのブッキングをするなかで、自分たちもアーティストとして出演することになったのが結成のきっかけ。
音霊や横浜のライブハウスを中心に活動をスタート。2007年にはMONKEY MAJIK(AVEX)やGReeeeN(Universal)を輩出したエドワードリミテッド運営のレーベル「UNDER HORSE RECORDS」よりミニ・アルバム「LIFE」をリリース。その暖かくオーガニックなサウンドと素直な言葉で日々を綴るリリックはすでに確立されており、全国のタワーレコードでレコメンに選ばれるなど話題を呼んだ。LOVE+LIFE+LOCALという3つの「L」をテーマに、ジャンルにこだわらずREGGAE、HIP-HOP、LATIN、BOSSA NOVA、ROCKなど多彩な音楽性をミックスしながらあくまでJ-POPを目指す。
2008年2月にシングル「あえないウタ」でユニバーサルシグマよりメジャー・デビュー。2ndシングル「LIFE」のCM起用により一気にブレイク。1stアルバム『ZUSHI』はオリコンWeekly Chart初登場1位を記録し、大ヒットとなった。2008年度の数々の新人賞を受賞し、紅白歌合戦に初出場を果たす。「LIFE」は京急電鉄 新逗子駅の駅メロディ(列車接近案内音)にも採用され、地元神奈川にて「かながわ観光親善大使」としての活動にも励んでいる。
2011年4月、「進研ゼミ中学講座」CM曲の8thシングル「IT’S MY 勇気」をリリース。

The two childhood friends from Zushi in Kanagawa prefecture, ISEKI (on vocals and guitar) and KUREI (on vocals), got together in 2005 to form Kimaguren. They started up a beach house featuring live music (presently called OTODAMA SEA STUDIO), located on the coast of Zushi and began booking artists to perform there, and that led them to form this duo, and they themselves performed there. They centered their musical activities at OTODAMA as well as live houses in Yokohama. In 2007, they released their mini-album, Life, from the label, UNDER HORSE RECORDS, operated by Edward Limited. They are known for their well-established characteristics in their warm, organic sounds with honest, heartfelt lyrics, which came to be known throughout Japan and getting recommendations from Tower Records stores in the country. They are unwavering in their aim and loyalty to J-POP but are not tied down to any particular genre of music. From reggae, hip-hop, latin, bossa nova to rock, they base their music on the theme of three Ls: Love, Live and Local. They made their major debut through Universal Sigma in February 2008, with their single, Aenai Uta. They came into the spotlight with their second single, LIFE, which came to be featured in a television commercial. Their first album, ZUSHI, became a major hit and broke a record of topping the Oricon Weekly Chart in the new releases category. They won numerous new-artist awards in 2008, and they performed for the first time at the prestigious end-of-year music event, the Kohaku Uta-Gassen. The song, Life, came to be used at the Shin Zushi Station (as a melody to notify users that a train is entering the station) on the Keikyu rail line, and they are enthusiastically involved in promoting their hometown in Kanagawa prefecture and have been appointed as tourism goodwill ambassadors. They released their second album, Sora x Shonen, in 2009, and their third album, ALIVE, in 2010. They also released their eighth single, IT’S MY YUKI, in April 2011, which was also featured in a television commercial.


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